
film length Learn more about film length

  • How to plant Chinese yam in the air

    How to plant Chinese yam in the air

    Hole drilling and hanging planting is to drill holes of appropriate size according to the tuber length of yam, and the tools for drilling holes can use circular soil shovels, select fields with high dry terrain, low groundwater level and convenient drainage and irrigation, and drill holes in late autumn or early winter. cut the yam section

    2020-11-08 How hanging planting yam abstract drilling is
  • The latest construction skills of greenhouse

    The latest construction skills of greenhouse

    Greenhouse is also called greenhouse, such as glass greenhouse, plastic greenhouse, etc. The structure of greenhouse should be sealed and insulated, but it should be convenient for ventilation and cooling. Modern greenhouse has equipment to control temperature, humidity, light and other conditions, and use computer automatic control to create the best environment for plants.

    2020-11-10 The latest greenhouse construction skills also known as greenhouse
  • Propagation techniques of Taxus mairei

    Propagation techniques of Taxus mairei

    Propagation techniques of Taxus mairei

  • The latest course of breeding techniques and methods of Taxus chinensis

    The latest course of breeding techniques and methods of Taxus chinensis

    Taxus propagation techniques are mainly divided into three kinds, sexual reproduction, asexual reproduction and micro-insertion propagation. Below, we will describe these three propagation techniques in detail. A few years before the sexual reproduction of Taxus mairei, the seedling emergence rate of wild Taxus chinensis was sown with seeds.

    2020-11-10 The latest yew reproduction technology methods tutorials
  • Propagation method of Taxus chinensis

    Propagation method of Taxus chinensis

    First, a few years before sexual reproduction, the emergence rate of wild yew seeds sown was less than 10%. Scientific research has found that the dormancy period of its seeds is as long as several years. After outdoor variable temperature storage and the use of drugs to break seed dormancy, the emergence rate can be increased to more than 70% and 80%, making it possible for the sexual reproduction of Taxus mairei to break through difficulties and to plant seedlings in large quantities. 1. Collect the mature fruit from September to October, put it in the basin, add the right amount of coarse sand and water, and put it on the plank.

  • Grafting technique of Carthamus tinctorius

    Grafting technique of Carthamus tinctorius

    There are many kinds of grafting, and the commonly used methods are T-shaped bud grafting, square bud grafting, I-shaped bud grafting, sleeve bud grafting, groove bud grafting, xylem bud grafting and embedded bud grafting and so on. The affinity between Carthamus tinctorius and Euphorbia angustifolia is very strong, and grafting is often used to make bonsai and large-scale green seedlings.

  • When will strawberry mulch be covered? Which color mulch should be used and how to lay it? What are the advantages of covering plastic film?

    When will strawberry mulch be covered? Which color mulch should be used and how to lay it? What are the advantages of covering plastic film?

    Plastic film mulching is the simplest protected cultivation mode, which does not require much facility investment. It can also be effectively combined with overwintering cold protection. When will the strawberry mulch be covered? Which color mulch should be used and how to lay it? 1. Types of plastic film 1. Black

    2020-11-09 Strawberry plastic film when cover should be used which kind color how
  • Construction technology of vegetable greenhouse

    Construction technology of vegetable greenhouse

    Construction technology of vegetable greenhouse

  • How to plant hybrid tomato

    How to plant hybrid tomato

    How to plant hybrid tomatoes? Please introduce the hybrid tomato can refer to the following planting techniques: first, the cultivation of strong seedlings is the premise of high seed yield. Suitable seedling raising methods can be adopted according to local characteristics in various parts of the preparation of seedling bed. Such as hotbed, cold bed, greenhouse, plastic greenhouse or electric hotbed nursery, etc. Because.

  • How to make orchids survive the winter in the open air

    How to make orchids survive the winter in the open air

    How to make orchids survive the winter in the open air

  • How to use drip irrigation in greenhouse vineyard?

    How to use drip irrigation in greenhouse vineyard?

    How to use drip irrigation in greenhouse vineyard? Drip irrigation is the most ideal technology for grape irrigation in greenhouse. It has the advantages of water saving, increasing production, cooling, labor saving and high efficiency. First, simple drip irrigation production: build a storage tank with a capacity of 3-5 cubic meters and a height of 1-3 meters at the head of the shed, and install gate valves and gate valves at the outlet of the pool.

  • Often make mistakes in mushroom planting

    Often make mistakes in mushroom planting

    When strawberry is cultivated in a small arch shed, the plant grows healthily, it can mature 19-22 days ahead of time, the harvest time is 13 days longer than that of open-field cultivation, and the total yield is 17% higher than that of open-field cultivation. The main points of cultivation techniques are as follows: first, the small arch shed can be set according to the width of two cultivation beds (about 3m wide). Insert the two ends of the bamboo slices or wooden poles into the outer edge of the back of the north and south border, insert one every 0.5m along the length of the border, and properly bury the column support on the back-death of the middle border, so that the height of the middle arch of the scaffolding is 1m, and the length of the shed is 10m 20m.

  • Double-sided mushroom production method in Pleurotus ostreatus bed

    Double-sided mushroom production method in Pleurotus ostreatus bed

    The double-sided mushroom production method is adopted in the Pleurotus ostreatus bed, which can not only make effective use of the room space, but also increase the yield per unit area of the mushroom bed. The main technical points are as follows: first, mushroom bed equipment. Bamboo or standing wood is used to build a frame in the mushroom room, which is generally 2 meters high and can be set up with three layers of mushroom beds, with an interval of 60ft 65 cm. The length depends on the actual situation of the mushroom house. There are two widths: 55 cm managed unilaterally and 110 cm bilaterally. The floor of each mushroom bed is nailed with thin wooden planks, with each branch 1.5 cm apart (gap). II. Inoculation of stall materials

  • How to interplant Coprinus comatus in chili field

    How to interplant Coprinus comatus in chili field

    Interplanting Coprinus comatus in pepper field is a good method to imitate wild cultivation of Coprinus comatus, which can save the cost of building mushroom house, does not occupy space, and can greatly improve the economic benefit per unit land area. Generally, after the pepper is planted, trenches are opened, materials are laid and bacteria are spread in the middle of the pepper row. For managing and harvesting mushrooms.

  • The latest course on the Construction techniques and methods of vegetable greenhouse

    The latest course on the Construction techniques and methods of vegetable greenhouse

    At present, facility agriculture has large output and good benefits, which is a major direction for the development of modern agriculture. At the same time, it has high scientific and technological content, high technical requirements, and a lot of investment. In this way, for ordinary farmers who want to participate, it is very risky and difficult.

    2020-11-10 The latest vegetables greenhouse construction technology methods tutorials at present
  • Construction skills of greenhouse

    Construction skills of greenhouse

    Construction skills of greenhouse

  • Introduction to cutting propagation of Carthamus tinctorius

    Introduction to cutting propagation of Carthamus tinctorius

    Carthamus tinctorius is mainly distributed in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and the south, and its flowers, roots and leaves can be used medicinally, so it is loved by many flower friends. The common propagation methods of Carthamus tinctorius are grafting, cutting and sowing. The editor will introduce the cutting propagation methods of Carthamus tinctorius to you, and your favorite flower friends can understand it together.

  • Cutting Seedling technique of Young shoot of Forsythia suspensa

    Cutting Seedling technique of Young shoot of Forsythia suspensa

    Technology of cutting seedlings of Forsythia suspensa Maxim. Forsythia suspensa is a deciduous shrub, up to 2 meters high, with clustered branches, spreading branches, yellow branchlets, opposite leaves, ovate, 3 ~ 9 cm long, and the leaves gradually turn from light green to golden yellow. Shenyang area 4.

  • Drip Irrigation Technology of Grape in greenhouse

    Drip Irrigation Technology of Grape in greenhouse

    Drip irrigation is the most ideal technology for grape irrigation in greenhouse. It has the advantages of water saving, increasing production, cooling, labor saving and high efficiency. First, simple drip irrigation production: build a storage tank with a capacity of 3-5 cubic meters and a height of 1-3 meters at the head of the shed, install gate valves and water meters at the outlet of the pool, and use 38 mm plastic pipes to make capillary tubes in the shed.

  • The correct covering method of greenhouse film

    The correct covering method of greenhouse film

    With the production of high molecular polymers-polyvinyl chloride and polyethylene, plastic films are widely used in agriculture. So, what is the correct covering method of greenhouse film? First, prepare for film mulching 1. Personnel are prepared to take the greenhouse with a span of 9.5 meters from east to west as an example, at least

    2020-11-08 Greenhouse membrane correct covering method along with polymer